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Venture Bros. Art Auction for Gulf Coast Clean Up

Latest reports from scientists find that up to 1.76 million barrels from the BP oil spill had escaped into the Gulf of Mexico by June 3, 2010. The BP oil spill will take years, possibly decades to clean up scientists say. New BP oil spill flow estimates: 20,000 to 40,000 barrels per day. To aid clean up efforts in the Gulf Coast, will be auctioning off production drawings from The Venture Bros. starting Monday, June 14 on eBay.

Sold through the site earlier were 21 sets of production drawings with prices ranging from 22 to 175 dollars. Most of the production drawings sold on the site were from season 4.1 of the Venture Brothers, along with some historical drawings from the show’s pilot, The Terrible Secret of Turtle Bay.

“I just threw this first sale together with stuff I had myself, but now more people are getting involved, there should be some really interesting things up for auction,” says Tom Bayne, Animatic Supervisor and Editor of The Venture Bros. According to Bayne, Jackson Publick will be involved with some of the items up auction on Monday. “The auction is not sponsored by VB, Cartoon Network or Colbert Nation — it’s really just something being organized by Venture animators and friends who want to help aid the Gulf Coast’s recovery efforts in some small way.”

After shipping costs, proceeds from the auction will go to The Colbert Nation’s Gulf of America Fund, managed by The Baton Rouge Area Foundation. The fund will offer grants to nonprofits that work directly to help the people and wildlife affected by the Gulf Coast oil spill.

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