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Olly Moss “Paper Cuts” at Gallery 1988

  • Art

The British designer / illustrator Olly Moss opened his first solo-show at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles last month. The artist is showcasing 150 pieces of his pop-culture inspired art, including a few from the Venture Brothers. Threadless made this video about the “Paper Cuts” show and Film interviewed Moss about his inspiration behind the show.

Film: How did you come up with the idea for this show?

Moss: When I was first coming up with ideas for the show I had about six different ideas and I looked at them all and I thought, well, to start I was going to do about 60 of these and a bunch of other stuff. And I started drawing them and I thought this is enough for a whole show. There’s so many things I can do with it and kind of set all the expectations, twist them, like I did with the Where’s Waldo and Die Hard with the broken glass and stuff. I thought there’s totally a whole show in this idea so I’d do that. So it’s probably about 5, 6 months ago, maybe, so it’s been a long time in the works.

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» View more images from Paper Cuts exhibit at Gallery 1988

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