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The Invisible Hand of Fate

Billy Quizboy: White, I just remembered something... Pete White: What? Billy Quizboy: Everything... Pete White: Hello, Goldilocks? This is Casper. Little Nemo has fallen out of bed. Pete White: Hello…

The Doctor Is Sin

Dr. Venture: Alright! I got fifty smackers for each and everyman willing to work a honest day at my compound. Who's up for it? Taking Rocket engineers, radar tracking operations…

Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny

After their short honeymoon, the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend are captured by the Guild to face questioning by the Council of Thirteen related to the traitor, Phantom Limb. Much of…

Showdown at Cremation Creek (Part II)

As Phantom Limb makes his stunning power play, only Brock can rally The Monarch’s forces to mount a defense. The fate of almost everyone in the Venture universe hangs in…

Showdown at Cremation Creek (Part I)

The Monarch finally (for like the fourth time) has Team Venture in his clutches at the one time he doesn’t want them – smack dab in the middle of the…

¡Viva los Muertos!

When Dr. Venture finally succeeds in attaining the holy grail of superscience, the revivification of a human corpse for fun and profit, a washed up gang of wandering former teen…

I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills

The Monarch continues to rebuild his villainous empire with the aid of his shadowy new Number 2, Dr. Henry Killinger, but #21 is suspicious of the deadly foreigner’s unctuous charms.…

Fallen Arches

When the Guild of Calamitous Intent finally approves Dr. Orpheus for his very own arch-nemesis he calls upon old friends The Alchemist and Jefferson Twilight to resurrect their former super-team,…

Guess Who’s Coming to State Dinner?

When the Gargantua-1 Space Station breaks orbit and crashes into a wanted terrorist, Colonel Bud Manstrong becomes a national hero. But did it really happen or is Bud's mother, the…


The Ventures crash land in Ünderland. Baron Ünderbheit captures them, obsessed with taking revenge on Dr. Venture, but mistakes Dean for a woman. Brock, Hank, and Dr. Venture are meanwhile…

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