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The Venture Bros. Season Finale – November 21st

Adult Swim's On Air Schedule indicates that the Venture Bros. Season 4 Finale, "Operation: P.R.O.M." will air on Sunday, November 21st at 11:30pm. Jackson Publick says the season finale will…

Adult Swim Sweepstakes – Venture Bros. Bundle

For the month of October, Adult Swim Sweepstakes will be giving away a Venture Bros. merchandise bundle. Shut out reality by transforming your surrounding environment into a Venture Bros. fantasyland…

Episode Review of “Bright Light, Dean City”

Episode Review of “Bright Light, Dean City”

Bright Lights, Dean City can be separated into three sub-storylines, all of which eventually braid together to provide satisfying narrative cohesion at the final curtain. The Revenge Society The episode…

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